Visitors & Green Fees

Aerial view of 6th green with lagoon

Aerial view of 6th green with lagoon

The Warren has a reputation for rarely closing in the winter as it is a quick draining links couse with greens that stay true through most weather. With a warm welcome in the Clubhouse and delicious food, this could be the answer for your winter or summer golf. Visitors are more than welcome at the Warren and we endeavour to always have tee times available for visitors. Check out our YouTube channel for aerial tours (opens in new tab) or see our gallery of course photos

Green fees

 Individual Green Fees (Rates from Nov 2024) Price per Player
Weekdays: up until 2.00pm £40 each
Weekdays: from 2.00 pm onwards £30 each
Weekends & Bank Holidays: up until 2.00 pm £50 each
Weekends & Bank Holidays: from 2.00 pm onwards £30 each
County Cards & James Braid Course*: weekdays
£35 each
County Cards & James Braid Course*: weekends only available after 12.00 £40 each
Juniors (under 18): £18 each

All prices include £1 insurance premium. Please note:

  • Visitors are not allowed on the course before 8.30am without prior arrangement with the Pro Shop, so please call 01626 862255 if you would like to play early.
  • Normal golf dress code is required – if you are not sure please call ahead.
  • All players must be able to play to a reasonable standard and have their own clubs & bag.
  • We are a Soft Spikes course.

Association of James Braid Courses *

We offer a discounted rate to members of other Association Courses, see above. Tee reservations must be made in advance (at least 24 hours), stating you are booking under the Association of James Braid Courses scheme. You will be required to provide proof of home club to the Professional on your arrival either a handicap certificate or membership card. Bookings will only be accepted based on tee availability and cannot be accepted with any other offer. These rates are for individual members of Association of James Braid Courses and not for groups or society members. All bookings are subject to availability and payment in full.